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What Does Insect Movement Look Like Up Close?

I introduced my kids to some nostalgic movies from the ’80s and ’90s. The advances in technology and perspective were entertaining. A particular movie about some shrunken humans surprised me with the portrayal of the movement of insects and arachnids. It was not right, but I couldn’t explain why. I had to refresh my observations. What does insect movement look like up close?

Not Human

Sometimes it is easier to define things by what they are not. While insects have several similarities to humans such as legs, ball and socket joints, etc., their movement is not human-like. A big reason for this is that insects have exoskeletons that allow the joints to move quite differently than internal joints.

Not Robotic

When we see ants marching in a line or a beetle meandering down the sidewalk, their movements can seem quite robotic and methodical. Most of this has to do with the detail to distance ratio, but it also is strongly influenced by our distaste for seeing most insects in our path.

Not Predictable

The closer the details are zoomed in on, the more erratic the movements seem to be. Legs are moving in multiple directions, mouthparts are wiggling, and antennae are wiggling and twitching. In this particular instance, the leg motion reminded me of Michael Jackson and his random arm and leg motions that were so captivating.

Not in My House

Regardless of how insects move to get around and live their lives, there are places they belong and places they do not. Our homes and businesses are likely to have a few critters here and there, but they should not interfere with daily functions. If you would like to see insects and arachnids move farther away, reach out to the insect and arachnid specialists at Rove Pest Control to customize your plan today.